Thursday, May 3, 2012

when it rains it pours...but when it pours it drowns

Bad things happen in threes.  What if they happen in fives, or eights?  April is turning out quite the bitch, and not just because my mom's birthday falls on the 22nd.  Life just keeps getting worse, more so when you say:  "It can't get any worse, right?" 
Depression is a funny thing.  There are those that battle against it with pills and weekly sessions at, what I picture as,  the stereotypical sit-on-the-couch kind of therapist and there are those that look at it like a passing period, an irritating few days that will eventually go away. 
I can't help but feel guilty that I care more about my missing cat rather than the slow death my grandmother is incurring while dealing with violent episodes of dementia.  I can honestly say that the past week has been spent weeping, wholeheartedly, about Simon's purr or the way he use to spray the side table before he went outside.  Oh, sigh. 

[ I am grateful for my...roommate Mr. Q for not letting me go outside without a bra ]

Saturday, September 3, 2011

you either got it or you don't

Today someone asked me if i believed in the notion that people are either born with "it" or not.
I didn't stop to think.  I just said yes.  Totally.  Clearly he was dissappointed.   

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Clean slate, clean house

What is it about break-ups that instills the need to clean?   I was relentless; no corner was overlooked, no cobweb escaped my grasp.  While the faint sound of Dusty Springfield played in the living-room, I attacked the mildew encrusted shower walls, stainless steel fixtures shined with my countenance, and the smell of pine filled the house.
I can remember my mother doing the same when dad left one night.  Dressed in a heavy maroon robe, she knelt on a towel and scrubbed, muttering to herself soft insanities.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Current: Cloudy

I have been hit by many things...a baseball to the face when I was eight,  parental slaps of discipline in my teens, and a copy of Brave New World to the head when I was twenty,  but I have never felt the unsatisfying blow of reality. 
At twenty-nine, I would imagine this feeling be reoccurring, but it is unsteady and new.  Last Tuesday, my five year relationship ended.  The next day I contacted a psychic and the day after that I cried.  Aside from the latter, none of those things had ever happened to me.  I suppose the psychic was unnecessary but his insight and predictions seem valid,and honestly, I have always wanted to call one.  While I listened intently to what he said, his British accent and his guffaw for a laugh, I truly understood the alternatives to reality.
a) not having one   or     b) making up your own  
Uncertainty is a shaky boat I have been in before, but at least now I have a knowledge of how to steer it and how to swim if it goes under.  .



Saturday, February 19, 2011

new clutch!!!

This was a quick knit.  I really like the flap and the cute detail of the button.  I am going to make the strap the same color as the detail with a nice little cable.  More pics to follow!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Simon's Birthday

We got this for Simon on his birthday, which happened to be on Valentine's Day.  He went nuts, along with our other cat Rizz, which we most often call Little One.  She does not normally make an appearance but this heart was full of nip so...


I've never met a human names Dwight.

Do you believe in fate?  I have never met those humans who embody names like Hortence, Mildred, or Rutherford.  Have you ever wondered whether or not the course of your life has gone the way it has because you met a certain someone at a precise time, or dropped a pencil at the right moment?  I have worked at my job for almost eight years and have met the most interesting people with the most interesting names: Aja, Quinn, Blake, and Roland,or even the most rare:  Mayling, Nercy, or simply Rose.