Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Current: Cloudy

I have been hit by many things...a baseball to the face when I was eight,  parental slaps of discipline in my teens, and a copy of Brave New World to the head when I was twenty,  but I have never felt the unsatisfying blow of reality. 
At twenty-nine, I would imagine this feeling be reoccurring, but it is unsteady and new.  Last Tuesday, my five year relationship ended.  The next day I contacted a psychic and the day after that I cried.  Aside from the latter, none of those things had ever happened to me.  I suppose the psychic was unnecessary but his insight and predictions seem valid,and honestly, I have always wanted to call one.  While I listened intently to what he said, his British accent and his guffaw for a laugh, I truly understood the alternatives to reality.
a) not having one   or     b) making up your own  
Uncertainty is a shaky boat I have been in before, but at least now I have a knowledge of how to steer it and how to swim if it goes under.  .



1 comment:

  1. You what?! and then WHAT?!
    and HOW?!

    OH MY GOD... what's a good time to call you?? I need some filling in on you-type stuff.

    I shall comment again later with other things I'd like to say... and like... about this post.

    I LOVE YOU! Don't you forget it.
