Thursday, January 20, 2011

When you hear yourself out loud...

How often do you take your own advice? or Follow what you preach?

"Ugh!  She is such a hypocrite!  I can't stand her anymore.  We use to be cool but one day she gave me the cold shoulder and that was that..."

He seemed enraged the moment I said her name and his discontent erupted into a discussion about religion, beliefs, and life decisions.  Confused and a bit annoyed, I posed to him several ordinary instances in which he stopped completely, swirled his drink a little, and remained silent.  He finally answered with:  "Regardless of race, religion, or creed, you should not judge anyone differently."

The conversation ended.  He had realized what he had done.  He looked as though he had just discovered light or that we are not alone in the universe, some great revelation that stumped him.  The sound of his own voice and what he had said made him remember, perhaps all the people he hurt, made cry, or made doubt themselves. 
Here is hoping.  

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